Author Archive | elizabeth-austin


Afghanistan and Syria: How History is Repeating Itself

The violence in Syria is escalating and the international community’s efforts to resolve the situation through the United Nations peace plan have failed, leading to Kofi Annan’s resignation as the UN’s Syria envoy. Syrians are in dire need of a peaceful, sustainable resolution but owing to the number of factions involved and the serious human […]

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Posted in Middle East, Russia, Security Issues, Syria, World

Photography by whiskeybravo

Iran and the West: Why 1953 Still Matters

“It is reasonable to argue that but for the coup, Iran would be a mature democracy. So traumatic was the coup’s legacy that when the Shah finally departed in 1979, many Iranians feared a repetition of 1953, which was one of the motivations for the student seizure of the U.S. Embassy. The hostage crisis, in […]

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Posted in Africa, Culture, Europe, Middle East, Security Issues, World

Image courtesy of 10b travelling

Unifying the Caucasus

The South Caucasus is a tribally divided region, rich in natural resources, that could wield considerable influence if unified, and could economically compete with Russia and the West. When asked to describe “the Caucasus”, most people reply with a blank stare. Some might guess you are referring to one of the more unusual facets of […]

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Posted in Middle East, Russia, Security Issues, World

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