Tag Archive | Afghanistan


Afghanistan and Syria: How History is Repeating Itself

The violence in Syria is escalating and the international community’s efforts to resolve the situation through the United Nations peace plan have failed, leading to Kofi Annan’s resignation as the UN’s Syria envoy. Syrians are in dire need of a peaceful, sustainable resolution but owing to the number of factions involved and the serious human […]

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Posted in Middle East, Russia, Security Issues, Syria, World

Afghan women voice concerns to coalition forces

Afghan Democracy Update: Women’s Rights Edition

How is democracy faring in Afghanistan these days? Not well, as far as Afghan women are concerned. While many of its familiar trappings are in place – such as a constitution that promises equality before the law – the practice of democracy ranges from deeply flawed to nonexistent when it comes to women’s rights, especially […]

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Posted in Security Issues, World


Why Are Humanitarian Workers Targeted?

Why are humanitarian workers targeted? On World Humanitarian Day this year the United Nations reported that in various conflict zones in 2013, 155 aid workers were killed, 171 were injured and 134 were taken as captives. We have to ask, what is the justification for such acts? Let us begin with the illegal occupation of […]

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Posted in Humanitarian Intervention, Iraq, Islam, Middle East, Religion, Security Issues, Syria, Terrorism, UN, World

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