Posted on July 1, 2017. Tags: Africa, Angola, Corruption, Coup d'état, Elections, free press, independent media, journalist arrest, Lourenco, Marques de Morais, peaceful transition of power
Rumblings are rife in Angola that something is afoot at the highest reaches of government. What may be in the offing? Everything from a top-level government shakeup to a full-fledged coup have been talked about. To keen observers of politics and conflict, it would not be surprising if people in power took sudden actions to […]
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Posted in Africa, corruption, Political Security, World
Posted on May 13, 2015. Tags: Africa, Angola, China, Nigeria, Oil, Opec
Emerging from a nearly three decade long civil war that began at the time of the country’s independence from Portugal and which did not end until 2002, Angola experienced an oil production boom in the years that followed. With the discovery of massive amounts of oil at several deep water fields south of the Congo […]
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Posted in Africa, China, Global Economy, World