Tag Archive | Colombia

Image courtesy of THE Holy Hand Grenade!

The Economics of Crime and Violence During Coronavirus

Stores, restaurants and other businesses are suffering as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Drug Gangs in Latin America are no exception. With many sources of revenue cut off, narco traffickers are forced to adapt in order to survive. Drug markets from Mexico to Honduras are changing and, along with them, so is the structure […]

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Posted in Drugs, Latin America, World

Image by kozumel

Colombia’s Rebel Reintegration Quagmire

Colombia has endured more than five decades of civil discord. Peace negotiations between FARC representatives and the Colombian State have, though, been ongoing since 2012 as the country attempts to realise a future of security and peace. Yet it is the massive human toll that is perhaps the most potent issue to arise from this […]

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Posted in Conflict, Drugs, Security Issues, World

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