Tag Archive | Democracy


Kabila and the DRC: A Perfect Storm of Problems

The UN Under-Sectretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock, visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) this week for the first time. Following meetings with internally displaced persons, Lowcock underscored that the DRC is the site of one of the most devastating humanitarian crises in the world today. A year after his term ended, Congolese […]

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Posted in Africa, Conflict, Refugees, UN, World


China is Winning the Propaganda War on Taiwan

Last month, two more countries broke away from the fast dwindling assortment of diplomatic allies that officially recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state. The political volte-face in May by the Dominican Republic and Burkina Faso in favour of closer ties with Beijing follows a long trend of diplomatic shifts that leave Taiwan increasingly isolated on the […]

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Posted in Asia, China, Conflict, Political Security, Security Issues, World

Image by UN Women Asia and Pacific

The Truth Behind the Fiction: 16 Days to End Violence Against Women

The television adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ has gripped viewers and political pundits alike, since its release in April 2017, for its astonishingly realistic parallels between the fictional world of Gilead, and the very real Donald Trump led USA. As the global campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence draws to […]

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Posted in Culture, Global Economy, Security Issues, UN, World

Image by Marcio Cabral de Moura

Solidarity or Self-interest? European Integration and the German Question

This article was originally published by The Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs in Carnegie Ethics Online on 17 August 2015. In Klaus Harpprecht’s 1995 biography of Thomas Mann, he highlights a statement which Mann wrote in 1947, which, as Harpprecht puts it, “one reads with a distinct shiver half a century later”: In […]

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Posted in Europe, Germany, Global Economy, World

Image by United Nations Photo

Htin Kyaw, Herald of a Bright Future?

Image by United Nations Photo Urging caution in light of Myanmar’s new president. His selection leaves many questions unanswered. Following on from Monday’s vote in parliament, Htin Kyaw has become president of Myanmar. Does he represent a new dawn for a nation which has languished in the shadows of poverty and authoritarianism? He is a […]

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Posted in Asia, World

Image by European Parliament

The EU: Democratise or Disintegrate

On 9th February 2016, Yanis Varoufakis, the unofficial leader of the ‘Democracy in Europe Movement 2025’, and a coalition of activists gathered together in Berlin to launch the ‘DiEM25’ manifesto.  They declared: ‘The EU will be democratised. Or it will disintegrate!’ The former Greek finance minister believes the European Union to be a beautiful conception, […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, World

Image by Alec Ross (Alecross.com) [CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s Former Tech Guru on Cyber Threats and Trump ‘The Monster’

There are few people who can lay claim to having shaped how the world’s only superpower uses modern technology, but Alec Ross is one of those few. Having played a critical role in developing then Senator Barack Obama’s technology and innovation plan during the 2008 presidential campaign, Ross went on to serve as senior innovation advisor to […]

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Posted in Cyber Threats, Technology, US, World


The Problem with Polling

By Daniel Shaw and Claire Elliott Political polls are making a fast comeback after failing to correctly predict either Brexit or the election of Donald Trump.  Following the highpoint of Nate Silver’s flawless prediction of Obama’s 2008 victory, these embarrassing failures blew up in the face of both polling companies and liberal orthodoxy.  These failures were […]

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Posted in Europe, UK News, US, World

President Trump’s Failure to Connect the Dots

Most children learn early on the art of connecting the dots. Draw a line from one dot to another in a logical pattern and an image begins to emerge. The art of foreign policy has similar characteristics. Policy makers try to connect the dots, attempting to imagine the ways their decision will effect the larger […]

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Posted in US, World

Expression in Istanbul - 1

Enemies of Expression in Istanbul

Turkey has a history of strict censorship which still remains a prominent issue in modern day Istanbul and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. Media censorship is at an all time high with 140 press censorship cases already known in the country, newspapers have been shut down and journalists imprisoned. Now censorship is spreading to the […]

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Posted in Culture, Europe, Middle East, Political Security, Turkey, World


Britain’s EU Referendum Demonstrates the Volatility of Populist Politics. Is the US Listening?

In trying to puzzle through the populism animating the right and left after the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2015 European migrant crisis, we can draw a worrying parallel between the UK referenda and social and economic populism in the US. As in the US presidential race, the UK’s Remain/Leave debate is complex: it […]

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Posted in Europe, UK News, US, World


Crowdfunding: the Way to Grassroots Climate Governance

Modern crowdfunding—the idea of grassroots fundraising via the internet—officially began in 1997 when the British rock band, Marillion, ran a successful internet fundraising campaign with their adoring fans to finance the band’s North American tour. Since then crowdfunding sites have burgeoned, utilizing dedicated internet platforms to connect entrepreneurs and social-movement-mobilizers with crowds of netizen-investors and supporters to […]

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Posted in UN, World

Image by DonkeyHotey

Why Bernie Supporters Might Embrace the Donald

As a very active supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders, I have for the past nine months lived in fear of the day when the strong economy, and the Democratic Party machine’s systematic opposition would finally see off our campaign. The fear was never so much that we wouldn’t get Mr. Sanders, although I am a […]

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Posted in US, World

Image by Abode of Chaos

Piketty’s Puzzle: Globalization, Inequality and Democracy

One of the most striking trends of modern times, the concentration of global wealth in hands of the very few, has been popularized by Thomas Piketty in his hugely influential Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Piketty argues that the rate of return on capital consistently exceeds the rate of economic growth. In the absence of […]

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Posted in Economics, Global Economy, US, World

Images of the late King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan and his son, King Abdullah Il bin al-Hussein, seen here on Oct. 30, 2009, in Al-Batra are a common sight throughout the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which is partnered with Colorado in the National Guard’s State Partnership Program, which fosters military-to-military, military-to-civilian and civilian-to-civilian cooperation. There are currently 62 SPP partners. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jim Greenhill) (Released)

What Price Stability? Jordan’s Balancing Act

At a time when the Middle East appears to be crumbling Jordan appears to be standing firm – a beacon of hope in a burning region.  But is Jordan really as stable as it appears? Are we just turning a blind eye to the compromises that come with such stability at a time of such uncertainty […]

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Posted in Middle East, Political Security, World

Image by Eneas

Corruption and Conflicts of Interest in Mexico

Since Enrique Peña Nieto became President of Mexico in 2012, the government has tried to change the narrative of a narco-stained nation existing under the siege of organised crime. During his first two years in office, an ambitious package of reforms in education, telecommunications and the energy sectors, to mention just a few, was sent to the Congress. After some successful […]

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Posted in Mexico, World

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