Tag Archive | EU


The Obsolescence of Sanctions against Iran

The deadly impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Iran has given a new focus to the ongoing debate about the purpose, effectiveness and relevance of US sanctions imposed on the country. Many leaders, political figures, and organisations have questioned the continuance of these sanctions. These include the UN Secretary General, the UN Special Rapporteurs on […]

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Posted in Iran, Middle East, US, World

Image by Gobbler at  wikivoyage shared [CC BY-SA 3.0

Dissecting the Diplomatic Feud Between France and Italy

Strong criticism of French president Emmanuel Macron by Italian leaders has created a diplomatic firestorm between the long-time European allies. The current tensions between the two neighbours is fresh evidence of how two competing political visions of Europe are clashing ahead of EU parliamentary elections. “I hope the French will be able to free themselves […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, France, World


Why the US Should Rethink Military Support for Ukraine

University of Nottingham (Ningbo Campus) Assistant Professor Nicholas Ross Smith argues that while arming Ukraine may be the right thing to do, it naively underestimates the geopolitical reality of Eastern Europe and could result in a far worse outcome for both Ukraine and Europe. Donald Trump’s recent decision to approve the sale of more lethal arms […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, NATO, Russia, Ukraine Conflict, US, World

Image by Adriano Aurelio Araujo.

Macron’s New Cabinet Heralds Revival of a European Defence

With the recent nomination of his government, President Macron takes a chance to rejuvenate the idea of a European defence, an ambitious plan that collapsed when it failed to obtain the ratification in the French Parliament back in 1954. The European Defence Community emerged from the Pleven plan, proposed in 1950 by the French Prime […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, France, World

Tito's house in Kumrovec

Tito and Yugonostalgia: Name Change Reveals Political Fault Lines in Croatia

The decision of municipal authorities in the Croatian cities of Zagreb and Karlovac to remove former Yugoslav president Tito’s name from streets and squares has rekindled the debate over the ruler’s legacy. Here, Tony Fabijančić assesses attitudes for and against Tito, nostalgia for the former Yugoslavia (“Yugonostalgia”), and the ongoing political division between left and […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, World

Video: Hilary Benn Scorns UK Government’s Brexit Strategy

Video: Hilary Benn Scorns UK Government’s Brexit Strategy

Hilary Benn MP, Chair of the Commons Brexit committee, has always been a great performer in Parliament. Here, he lays into the UK Government’s Brexit strategy, likening it to disembarking from a liner into a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean.        

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Posted in Europe, European Union, Global Politics Videos, UK News, World

Image by Yeowatzup

Iran Nuclear Deal: Tehran Looks to Mitigate Effects of US Withdrawal

The withdrawal of the Trump Administration from the Iran nuclear deal was a long time coming. Concluded in 2015 after months of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 countries (United States, France, United Kingdom, Russia, China and Germany), the agreement seemingly provided a win-win outcome both in terms of the international community’s desire to rein […]

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Posted in Economics, Global Economy, Iran, Middle East, US, World


CETA and TPP: Why Understanding Trade Matters Politically

With an overwhelming majority of 408 votes against 254, the European Parliament recently approved the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada. This came only three weeks after Donald Trump’s formal withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a deal involving 12 nations around the Pacific Ocean. As trade is silently shaking world politics […]

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Posted in Europe, Global Economy, US, World


In Defence of Belgian Counterterror Policy

On March 22nd 2016 the two consecutive bombings at the Brussels’ Zaventem airport and the Maalbeek metro station brought Belgian counterterrorism policy under heavy scrutiny. With the Paris attacks foreshadowing an impending threat, the Belgian security alert had been raised to critical levels since November 2015. Yet in spite of warnings from numerous countries, the […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, Security Issues, Terrorism, World

Image by European Parliament

The EU: Democratise or Disintegrate

On 9th February 2016, Yanis Varoufakis, the unofficial leader of the ‘Democracy in Europe Movement 2025’, and a coalition of activists gathered together in Berlin to launch the ‘DiEM25’ manifesto.  They declared: ‘The EU will be democratised. Or it will disintegrate!’ The former Greek finance minister believes the European Union to be a beautiful conception, […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, World


Green Politics in the Age of Populism

Who will provide strong and stable leadership on the environment? Following May’s shock election announcement there has only been one issue on the agenda for both the media and political parties themselves: Brexit. One worrying effect of our preoccupation with constitutional issues is that green politics have been ignored. Despite Green Party gains in the […]

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Posted in Environmental Security, World

Image by the Prime Minister's Office.

In Retreat

  Brexit, Donald Trump and the growing nationalism wave sweeping across the Western world represent a new political backlash against globalisation, which might seriously threaten the world liberal economic order and global security. In her much-anticipated speech on 17 January, UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced her plans for a “Hard Brexit”, which will end […]

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Posted in Europe, Global Economy, US, World

Image by Lawrence OP

Scotland’s Renewed Route to Independence

The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union is certain to have far reaching consequences both domestically and internationally. Dominating early headlines is the idea that this decision could lead to the fragmentation of the UK as geographic divisions have been thrown into sharp relief. With Northern Ireland and Scotland both voting to remain – Scotland […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, Global Economy, Scottish Independence, UK News, World

Image by Abegum

The ‘Pure Wind’ of the Leave Campaign Shows Contempt for UK Voters

George Orwell famously wrote that “Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Having lived through the Scottish independence referendum, it is hard to believe that less than two years on from that experience the people of the UK are […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, UK News, World

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