Tag Archive | Labour


The Problem with Polling

By Daniel Shaw and Claire Elliott Political polls are making a fast comeback after failing to correctly predict either Brexit or the election of Donald Trump.  Following the highpoint of Nate Silver’s flawless prediction of Obama’s 2008 victory, these embarrassing failures blew up in the face of both polling companies and liberal orthodoxy.  These failures were […]

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Posted in Europe, UK News, US, World

Image by Lawrence OP

Scotland’s Renewed Route to Independence

The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union is certain to have far reaching consequences both domestically and internationally. Dominating early headlines is the idea that this decision could lead to the fragmentation of the UK as geographic divisions have been thrown into sharp relief. With Northern Ireland and Scotland both voting to remain – Scotland […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, Global Economy, Scottish Independence, UK News, World


Britain’s EU Referendum Demonstrates the Volatility of Populist Politics. Is the US Listening?

In trying to puzzle through the populism animating the right and left after the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2015 European migrant crisis, we can draw a worrying parallel between the UK referenda and social and economic populism in the US. As in the US presidential race, the UK’s Remain/Leave debate is complex: it […]

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Posted in Europe, UK News, US, World

Image by Koala99

Tory Claims on Legitimacy of Scottish Votes Threatens Union Anew

The Conservative party has this week been briefing about the possibility of a Labour government supported by the SNP leading to a constitutional crisis. However, this crisis may be largely of their own making. Polls currently suggest that the Conservatives will be the largest party in Westminster, both in terms of vote share and seats, […]

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Posted in UK News, World

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