Tag Archive | Mexico


The Futures of US Foreign Policy in Latin America

How a new administration in Washington could spell change for Latin America, and why it probably won’t. Image by author: Children play in the sprawling refugee camp in Matamoros, Mexico, on the border with Brownsville, Texas. To say that COVID-19 has become the defining issue of the 2020 US presidential election, and elections around the […]

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Posted in Latin America, US, World


The Hidden Pandemic of Violence Against Women

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines a pandemic as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. We know all too well the disease that has brought the world to a shocked standstill. But what we don’t see is the one that already […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, France, Humanitarian Intervention, Mexico, Turkey, World

Image courtesy of THE Holy Hand Grenade!

The Economics of Crime and Violence During Coronavirus

Stores, restaurants and other businesses are suffering as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Drug Gangs in Latin America are no exception. With many sources of revenue cut off, narco traffickers are forced to adapt in order to survive. Drug markets from Mexico to Honduras are changing and, along with them, so is the structure […]

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Posted in Drugs, Latin America, World

Video: Who is Mexico’s New President?

Video: Who is Mexico’s New President?

Mexico’s new president is a brash, politically ambiguous populist who draws many comparisons to Donald Trump. BBC News has five things you need to know about the man who will be engaging with the American leader on some of North America’s most pressing issues. Source: BBC News.

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Posted in Global Politics Videos, World

President Trump’s Failure to Connect the Dots

Most children learn early on the art of connecting the dots. Draw a line from one dot to another in a logical pattern and an image begins to emerge. The art of foreign policy has similar characteristics. Policy makers try to connect the dots, attempting to imagine the ways their decision will effect the larger […]

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Posted in US, World

Image by Eneas

Corruption and Conflicts of Interest in Mexico

Since Enrique Peña Nieto became President of Mexico in 2012, the government has tried to change the narrative of a narco-stained nation existing under the siege of organised crime. During his first two years in office, an ambitious package of reforms in education, telecommunications and the energy sectors, to mention just a few, was sent to the Congress. After some successful […]

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Posted in Mexico, World

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