Tag Archive | nuclear deal


The Obsolescence of Sanctions against Iran

The deadly impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Iran has given a new focus to the ongoing debate about the purpose, effectiveness and relevance of US sanctions imposed on the country. Many leaders, political figures, and organisations have questioned the continuance of these sanctions. These include the UN Secretary General, the UN Special Rapporteurs on […]

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Posted in Iran, Middle East, US, World


‘Presidential Initiatives’: A Way to Revive U.S–Russia Arms Control?

There is every reason to believe that Russia will not come back into compliance with the INF Treaty, thus setting the stage for a US withdrawal from the landmark agreement. The demise of the INF Treaty would jeopardize ‘New START’, one of the last remaining pillars of the arms control regime. Although the agreement expires […]

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Posted in World

Image by Yeowatzup

Iran Nuclear Deal: Tehran Looks to Mitigate Effects of US Withdrawal

The withdrawal of the Trump Administration from the Iran nuclear deal was a long time coming. Concluded in 2015 after months of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 countries (United States, France, United Kingdom, Russia, China and Germany), the agreement seemingly provided a win-win outcome both in terms of the international community’s desire to rein […]

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Posted in Economics, Global Economy, Iran, Middle East, US, World

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