Tag Archive | Populism

Image by Meaduva

Reflections on Ethnic Nationalism in China and the West

I moved to London when I was 16, having spent my entire childhood living in Beijing. My parents met there studying Chinese and my father later got a job with the Spanish embassy. When I arrived in the UK in 2014 British national culture seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to the parochial […]

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Posted in Asia, China, Europe, World

Image by Gobbler at  wikivoyage shared [CC BY-SA 3.0

Dissecting the Diplomatic Feud Between France and Italy

Strong criticism of French president Emmanuel Macron by Italian leaders has created a diplomatic firestorm between the long-time European allies. The current tensions between the two neighbours is fresh evidence of how two competing political visions of Europe are clashing ahead of EU parliamentary elections. “I hope the French will be able to free themselves […]

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Posted in Europe, European Union, France, World

President Jacob Zuma speaks at the Unveiling of the Tombstone of the late H.E Bavumile Vilakazi held at Vanderbijlpark, Ekurhuleni.South Africa. 06/08/2011

What South Africa’s ANC Can Learn from the Demise of India’s Congress Party

Feeble economic growth, allegations of kleptocracy, and the controversial sacking of not one, but two Finance Ministers, headline South Africa President Jacob Zuma’s second term. In its most recent forecast, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts the country’s economy to grow at 0.8 percent this year. While the IMF’s report expects poor growth across the […]

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Posted in Africa, corruption, Economics, Global Economy, India, World


Green Politics in the Age of Populism

Who will provide strong and stable leadership on the environment? Following May’s shock election announcement there has only been one issue on the agenda for both the media and political parties themselves: Brexit. One worrying effect of our preoccupation with constitutional issues is that green politics have been ignored. Despite Green Party gains in the […]

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Posted in Environmental Security, World


Britain’s EU Referendum Demonstrates the Volatility of Populist Politics. Is the US Listening?

In trying to puzzle through the populism animating the right and left after the 2008 global financial crisis and the 2015 European migrant crisis, we can draw a worrying parallel between the UK referenda and social and economic populism in the US. As in the US presidential race, the UK’s Remain/Leave debate is complex: it […]

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Posted in Europe, UK News, US, World

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