Tag Archive | economic development

Baires. Abril 26 de 2013.- El jefe de Gobierno porteño, Mauricio Macri, ofreció 
esta noche en el Palacio Municipal una conferencia de prensa sobre los incidentes 
registrados por la mañana en el barrio de Baracas.      Estuvo acompañado por la 
vicejefa de Gobierno, María Eugenia Vidal; el jefe de Gabinete, Horacio Rodríguez 
Larreta, y los ministros de Justicia y Seguridad, Guillermo Monetengro; de salud, 
Graciela Reybaud, y de Desarrollo Urbano, Daniel Chain.
Foto: Nahuel Padrevecchi/GCBA

Argentina’s Currency Crisis Sparks Global Concerns on Emerging Markets

Since its freefall earlier this summer the Argentine peso continues to hold very little value, trading at about 39 pesos per U.S. dollar. Just four months ago, the peso was worth a much stronger 20 pesos per dollar, which is nearly a 50 percent depreciation in 120 days. The currency depreciation crisis mirrors crises occurring […]

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Posted in Economic Security, Economics, Global Economy, World

Image by অর্ঘ্য বণিক

Poll: Most Bangladeshis See Country Pointed in Right Direction

Recent attacks by extremists have not dampened enthusiasm for future. By Mohammad Ziauddin, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the United States Bangladesh is headed in the right direction. That’s the conclusion of a new survey conducted by the respected International Republican Institute. IRI, an independent, non-partisan U.S. based organization that assists political parties to achieve good […]

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Posted in Asia, Bangladesh, Economic Security, Economics, Global Economy, Security Issues, Terrorism, World

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