Tag Archive | Oil
Posted on February 25, 2018. Tags: House of Saud, Iran, MBS, Middle East, Mohammed bin Salman, Oil, oil and, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, yemen civil war
A new country is gradually emerging from the desert terrain of Saudi Arabia. Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS as the Crown Prince is commonly known, is at the helm. At 32 years of age, Mohammed bin Salman is the youngest minister of defence in the world, and is offering an ambitious programme of economic, religious, […]
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Posted in corruption, Economic Security, Global Economy, Saudi Arabia, World
Posted on January 22, 2016. Tags: Daesh, Dialogue among Civilizations, Diplomacy, Hajj pilgrimage, Islam, Islamic governance, Islamic State, Khamenei, Khatami, Khomeini, Middle East, Oil, political Islam, Rouhani, Sheikh Nimr, Shi'a, Sunni, United States, Zarif
The execution of a renowned Arab Shi’a cleric, Sheikh Nimr, just after the New Year has set long-standing rivals Iran and Saudi-Arabia on a new collision course. Radical elements in Iran attacked the Saudi diplomatic compound in the country prompting Riyadh to sever its relations with Tehran. While the Iranian government condemned the attacks, immediately dismissing some officials […]
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Posted in Conflict, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Middle East, Political Security, Religion, Security Issues, Syria, World
Posted on May 7, 2016. Tags: Barack Obama, Civil Society, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Gulf, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, London, Middle East, Nuclear Weapons, Obama, Oil, Palestinian Israeli Conflict, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, U.S. Foreign Policy
I sat down with the U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission for the U.K., Minister Elizabeth Dibble, to discuss the Obama visit, the Middle East and the complex Iran-Saudi relationship. The Obama Visit to the U.K. D.M.: You touched on President Obama’s visit in your talk and what he said about the EU referendum. What for […]
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Posted in Conflict, Interviews, Iran, Israel, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Political Security, Saudi Arabia, Security Issues, Syria, US, World, Yemen
Posted on June 22, 2016. Tags: Angela Merkel, Brexit, Brussels, David Cameron, EU Referendum, Germany, Leave, Oil, Remain, Scotland, Scotland's Referendum, Scottish independence
CC Image courtesy of Rareclass This piece was also published in Huffington Post on 23rd June 2016 Something we in Scotland learned the hard way in 2014 is that referendum questions are dangerous because they make both choices on the ballot paper seem equally plausible. By giving the people a choice we somehow assume that […]
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Posted in Europe, European Union, Germany, Global Economy, Refugees, Scottish Independence, UK News, World
Posted on June 12, 2016. Tags: Africa, Boko Haram, Chevron, Corruption, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, Oil, Shell
Their name may owe something to the caped crusaders loved by comic fans everywhere. However, the activities of a new militant group, the Niger Delta Avengers, are making them anything but superheroes to most Nigerians given their impact on the country’s economy. They have gained notoriety in the region after claiming responsibility for two attacks in May […]
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Posted in Africa
Posted on May 13, 2015. Tags: Africa, Angola, China, Nigeria, Oil, Opec
Emerging from a nearly three decade long civil war that began at the time of the country’s independence from Portugal and which did not end until 2002, Angola experienced an oil production boom in the years that followed. With the discovery of massive amounts of oil at several deep water fields south of the Congo […]
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Posted in Africa, China, Global Economy, World
Posted on March 28, 2015. Tags: Business, Economics, Iran, Khamanei, Oil, Rouhani, Saudi Arabia, World
Garnering over 50 percent of the vote, Hassan Rouhani assumed a decisive victory on June 2013 and became Iran’s new president after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s eight year long reign. Vowing to pull the country out of its sanction filled, depressed economy, he won the elections by a landslide. Less than three months ago, during a December […]
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Posted in Economic Security, Economics, Global Economy, Iran, Middle East, Security Issues, World
Posted on March 4, 2015. Tags: Africa, Boko Haram, Education, Goodluck Jonathan, Islam, MEND, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, Oil, presidential elections
The upcoming March 28 presidential elections in Nigeria are expected to be the most contested in the nation’s history. As election day approaches, the world is given a revealing look at the challenges facing Africa’s largest country today. The electoral candidates are incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), which has been […]
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Posted in Africa, World