Posted on February 16, 2015. Tags: austerity, current account surplus, Economics, euro, exports, Germany, greece, grexit, international trade
With Greek debt negotiations reaching a critical point, it may be time for a reminder that there are more problems within the eurozone than just southern European debt. Austerity rightly remains firmly in the headlines, but looking beyond the struggles in Athens reveals that economic changes may be needed further north. Indeed, while the new […]
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Posted in Economic Security, Economics, Europe, Germany, Global Economy, World
Posted on February 11, 2015. Tags: austerity, bloco esquerda, greece, left bloc, left-wing, podemos, portugal, socialism, spain, syriza
It has been a tumultuous month in European politics. As Greek debt negotiations dominate the headlines, the resurgent left-wing in many European countries waits with baited breath in the realisation that the popularity of their movements may rest on what happens in Athens. It is interesting, however, that while the radical left has enjoyed a […]
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Posted in Economics, Europe, Global Economy, World