Posted on November 29, 2017. Tags: Africa, Mugabe, Sanctions, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe has finally toppled its longtime dictator, Robert Mugabe. So it’s time for the the international community to lift its sanctions on the country, right? Wrong. The new leader of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, was one of Mugabe’s most notorious henchmen until he fell out of favor a few months ago. It would be premature to […]
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Posted in Africa, Global Economy, UN, World
Posted on February 17, 2015. Tags: Africa strategy, China, Djibouti, Guelleh, Maldives, Mao, Mugabe, PLAN, Silk Road, Sri Lanka, String of pearls, Susan Rice, Zimbabwe
Sun Tzu, in his seminal book The Art of War, argued that all warfare is fundamentally based on deception. “When able to attack, we must seem unable; When using our forces, we must seem inactive; When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; When far away, we must make […]
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Posted in Africa, Asia, China, Economic Security, Global Economy, Security Issues, World