Posted on June 7, 2015. Tags: Arbitration, CETA, China, Economics, European Union, international trade, Investments, ISDS, TTIP, U.S.
At the stakeholder briefing during the ninth round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), U.S. chief negotiator Dan Mullaney quipped that everyone was discussing Investor to State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) systems except the negotiators. The latter have not discussed the issue since January 2014, when the European Commission launched a public consultation, […]
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Posted in Asia, China, Economics, Europe, Global Economy, US, World
Posted on March 25, 2015. Tags: Business, China, Economics, European Union, Interest groups, NATO, Obama, Trade, Transatlantic Relations, TTIP, U.S., World
The European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) have been negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) since 2013. Intended to revive the transatlantic economies by eliminating tariffs and accepting various degrees of regulatory convergence or mutual recognition across a wide range of sectors, and solidify EU-U.S. relations, it now appears to be […]
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Posted in Economic Security, Economics, Europe, Germany, Global Economy, Political Security, Security Issues, US, World