Posted on February 7, 2015. Tags: Business, Capitalism, Economics, Ethics, Global considerations, Humanity, Networks, Procrastination, Production, UK Economy, Value, YouGov
Procrastination report just goes to show how we view people as machines. Monday marked the launch of the ‘Great British Procrasti-nation’ report: the first ever in-depth look at the nation’s procrastination habits. I admit I admired the playful pun for a while. It didn’t last long. Based on a YouGov survey of over 2,000 adults, […]
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Posted in Economics, Europe, UK News
Posted on June 20, 2014. Tags: Alex Salmond, Business, European Union, Norway, Politics, Politics News, Scotland, Scotland's Referendum, Scottish independence, SNP, UK Economy, UK Politics News, UKIP
This piece was originally published in Huffington Post on 20 February 2014 Apart from 2014 being the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, the year Glasgow hosts the Commonwealth Games, and that Scotland plays host to the Ryder Cup, the vote on Scottish independence is also being held 100 years after the outbreak of […]
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Posted in Europe, Scottish Independence, World