Posted on November 3, 2020. Tags: Constitutionalism, courts, Democrats, Donald Trump, Germany, Joe Biden, Law, Mitch McConnell, Republicans, Supreme Court, Voting rights
In the tribute he wrote in 1954 for Robert Jackson, his friend and Supreme Court colleague, Justice Felix Frankfurter explained the profound effect that the experience of prosecuting the Nazi leadership at Nuremberg had on Jackson’s endeavour to understand the human condition. “An essentially good-natured, an even innocently unsophisticated temperament, was there made to realise […]
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Posted in US, World
Posted on October 9, 2020. Tags: Immigration, Joe Biden, Latin America, Mexico, Migration, Trump, Trump administration
How a new administration in Washington could spell change for Latin America, and why it probably won’t. Image by author: Children play in the sprawling refugee camp in Matamoros, Mexico, on the border with Brownsville, Texas. To say that COVID-19 has become the defining issue of the 2020 US presidential election, and elections around the […]
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Posted in Latin America, US, World